Download version recommended! Web version works but can be slow.

Made in 48 hours for GMTK Game Jam 2024, Just Add Water is a puzzle game where you places sponges to fill up the bathtub when you get them wet!

How to Play:

Click to add sponges. Once you place 10, the water will rise and the sponges will grow until they hit something else.

Try to fill as much of the area of the pool as possible.

The theme for this game jam was "Built To Scale" and we interpreted that as changing sizes of objects in the game as a game mechanic. The idea of predicting how objects will expand out and interact with each other has interesting gameplay potential.


  • Cai - Lead Programmer and 3D Art
  • Jamous - QA/Resources
  • LittleBattler - Programmer
  • Shakibone - 3D Art and Logo
  • Two Separate Gorillas - UI Programmer


White Squared Tile Textured Background by Freepik

Squeezing Sponge Filled with Water Rapidly Sounds by F.M.Audio -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Flush sound effect from BBC Rewind -

Sponge textures from -

Floor textures from Poly Haven -

Music from Incomptech -


Just Add Water (Windows) 54 MB
Version 6 30 days ago


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Instant hit of nostalgia, just from the main menu alone.


Really cool game idea, could see myself playing a full puzzle version of this game.


Interesting concept,  sad that you didn't have dino sponges though

Yeah, we had the dinos and a few other shapes modelled but ran out of time to get the collision detection working for anything other than the cube and rabbit sponges. Thanks for playing!


Fair enough. This concept definitely has potential, hope to see this continue to be developed.


Hey i know how u can fix web version. Just check "SharedArrayBuffer" option on ur project setting on this website :)

Thanks! I think it may have been turned on already, but I've made double sure it's on now.